Dark Passages LARP Wikia


Traps may be viewed plainly by anyone.  Traps may only be disarmed by someone with the item Trap Kit or Improvised Trap Kit.  These items require Engineering 2 or Outfitter 3 to use.

Level 1 - Novice[]

==== Practical Use: Furnisher
Category: A
Limitation: PPD
Description: Access to Level 1 Novice Outfitter recipes. Select one recipe from the level one Outfitter list when gaining this rank in this skill. ====

==== Special Use: Basic Repair
Category: A
Limitation: U
Description: You can repair non-magical items in 15 minutes. ====

Level 2 - Apprentice[]

==== Practical Use: Stocker
Category: A
Limitation: PPD
Description: Access to Level 2 Apprentice Outfitter recipes. Select one recipe from the level two Outfitter list when gaining this rank in this skill. ====

==== Special Use: Intermediate Repair
Category: P
Limitation: U
Description: Your knowledge of repairing non-magical items has increased to where you are capable of doing so in 10 minutes. ====

Level 3 - Journeyman[]

==== Practical Use: Provider
Category: A
Limitation: PPD
Description: Access to Level 3 Journeyman Outfitter recipes. Select one recipe from the level three Outfitter list when gaining this rank in this skill. ====

==== Special Use: Jury-Rig
Category: P
Limitation: TDL
Description: You can bring an item to full use and ability with just the basic of things to do so. As such with 10 seconds of concentration you can fully repair any non-magical items. After 30 minutes this item if not having been seen for a full repair the item will be fully broken as if shattered. ====

Level 4 - Master[]

==== Practical Use: Supplier
Category: A
Limitation: PPD
Description: Access to Level 4 Master Outfitter recipes. Select one recipe from the level four Outfitter list when gaining this rank in this skill. ====

==== Special Use: Repair
Category: P
Limitation: U
Description: With five minutes of time you can repair a non-magical item to it's full capabilities. ====

Level 5 - Grand Master[]

==== Practical Use: Provisioner
Category: A
Limitation: PPD
Description: Access to Level 5 Grand Master Outfitter recipes. Select one recipe from the level five Outfitter list when gaining this rank in this skill. ====

==== Special Use: Jack of all Trades
Category: A
Limitation: PPD x2
Description: Access to all Level 1 Novice recipes of every production skill. Select one recipe from the level one Productions lists when gaining this rank in this skill. ====
